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*Zibelemärit Special* WORKSHOP mit Erale Garnette (Philly, USA)!

Zibelemärit Spezial - WORKSHOP!

ZIBELÄMÄRIT SPECIAL❗️ And another workshop🔥💪We keep on training! The dope @earlejr directly from Philadelphia for the first time in Switzerland! Bringing his philly swag with him! He has been teaching in various studios in and around Philly and has competed and danced with "Academy of Phresh" all over the US! He just completed the M.E program with the amazing Rhapsody James! He has been traaaining and now he wants to share! Don't miss the chance to get those steps! #trainyourskills#trainwithdifferentteachers #internationals#workshops #hiphop #bern #dance

27.11.2017 um 20:15h, 25.-

<3 Tanzwerk 3011

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